Review Aiyaari has all the elements of Neeraj Panday thriller but lacks an intriguing story plot. The story begins when Abhay Singh played by Manoj Bajpayee leads a covert operation. The operation turns out be a failure when one of the brightest students Siddharth Malhotra goes rouge. Manoj Bajpayee a dutiful colonel officer tries to avenge him with his team. Though it has a powerful star cast like Anupam Kher and Naseeruddin Shan it fails to delivers a good movie. The movie seems a stretch and it focuses on unnecessary details of love life of Siddharth Malhotra . The songs are boring and so is the entire movie. Though Neeraj Panday does all that he could to make this army movie a success but the scenes just does not fits in the puzzle making the movie a utter disaster. Why you should watch it? This movie glorifies the Indian Army as well it shows the corruption in the system. It serves an eye opener when you see army big shots disowning its best officers ...